Emergency Edge Expo '24 Vendor Registration


Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Beaufort County Emergency Edge Expo '24.

You have been invited to share information and resources that will help our citizens prepare for a natural disaster and learn who can help post a disaster. There is no cost to participate in this Expo. The goal is to encourage people to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season, and to learn what resources are available if a natural disaster impacts our community.

Please fill out the information below for the person who will be attending the event representing your organization. Details will be emailed the week of the Expo with any last-minute information. 

This year, we are asking Vendors to have a demonstration prepared to engage attendees in discussion and learning.
Examples include: 
* What to pack for an infant for 5 days in a shelter?
*Essential items a senior citizen needs to take if evacuating their home. i.e. medications in bottles, batteries for hearing aids, durable medical equipment.
*What vital documents should be taken when evacuating from their home to go to a shelter?
*Where can pets be taken to and what needs to go with them?

Event Details

Saturday, AUGUST 24 from 9 a.m.- 1p.m.

  • Set-up start time: 7:30 a.m. Please be completely set-up by 8:45 a.m.
  • Anticipate 300-500 attendees.
  • The Expo will take place outside, so come dressed for the weather, sunscreen, hat, etc.
  • You are responsible for bringing your own canopy/tent, table and chairs.
  • We are hopeful there will be food trucks on site, but make sure to bring beverages and food just in case. 
Name of staff person who will be onsite during the Expo.

You are responsible for bringing you own table, chairs, tent and supplies.